Monday 17 December 2018

Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby


  1. Talofa Lava Grace!
    This is an incredibly insightful post! You should be very proud of yourself. My name is Hasiba and I am from the Summer Learning Journey team! It is very important to only use free photos and give credit to the photos you use. It is important to link the original url of the photo being used.
    Our passwords and personal details are what keeps us safe online! I can tell you are on your way to becoming an amazing digital citizen!
    Keep up the hard work Grace
    From Hasiba

  2. Hey Grace!
    Its Jennae here from your school and in your class.

    This is a great cybersmart footprint. These 5 things are defiently important for when you are on your chromebook to remember.
    First day finished of activities, your on a roll! Keep up the great blogging!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.